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Oral Presentation-SpeakLead 1

30 min
Free Assessment
All courses have been changed to online version.

Service Description

Oral presentation. Making a good oral presentation is an art that involves attention to the needs of your audience, careful planning, and attention to delivery. This class explains some of the basics of effective oral presentation. It also covers use of notes, visual aids and computer presentation software. A+ Learning Center OP1 (Oral Presentation 1) Curriculum Outline Aims and Benchmarks:  Organization and Structure:  Ideas are clearly organized, developed, and supported to achieve a purpose; the purpose is clear. Prompt questions are answered in a logical order and ideas within question responses are ordered and linked together in a logical way. The audience is able to understand the speech easily.  Subject Knowledge and Main Idea: The student has clear grasp of information. The student is able to not just recite information from the referenced text but can transform it with their own words and highlight the most important areas. The student can answer prompt questions in a targeted way including both facts and their own opinions.  Eye Contact: Eye contact is consistently maintained with the audience throughout the entire speech. Student notes and the book are only checked briefly and not read from. The student does not stare at the floor or any unrelated objects.  Voice and Volume: The student speaks with a consistently loud and clearly audible volume, and with a confident tone of voice. The student’s speech is clearly understandable by the audience without any mumbling or trailing off. The student’s confidence reinforces the audience’s confidence in their subject knowledge.  Visual Aids and Questions: Students use appropriate visual aids, whether made by themselves or using the book, to add additional information to their speech and assist with audience understanding. Students can answer all audience questions completely, with elaboration on the key points. Contents and Topics: 1. US and World History 2. World Travel 3. School Issues 4. Government and Civics 5. Science and Technology 6. World Mythology, Folktales and Culture 7. Environment 8. Health 9. Family Sample Topics: 1. Kid Inventors 2. The Cyberbully 3. Women and the Vote 4. Earth Day 5. Life in Space 6. The Genius of Nicola Tesla 7. Mythical Creatures of Ancient Greece 8. Say It with Pictures (Hieroglyphics)

Contact Details


13333 Bel-Red RD Suite 101, Bellevue, WA 98005, USA

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